My Life Story
I was born in Mogadishu (Somalia) in 1974. I was not able to go to school. because it cost too much money. the free ones were not good ,they only taught children fighting and Without sufficient teachers, the children spent their time fighting with each other. So my parents told me to stay at home.
The years 1990-1991 Was the year of guerrilla fighting. My dad decided that it would be best for us to move. from our home to a much safer and more peaceful place in the neighborhood. One day some girls and I went shopping for groceries. Then when we returned a fight broke out. so I went with the girls and her parents because I was not able to go to my house.
we traveled to Kenya. that was the last time I saw my family. They had helped me. There was U.N.H.C.R that helped us with shelter and food. I moved into my own house. I was still they 're neighbor. One day they told me that they were moving to a place called Nairobi which was 6 hours away. Because they had relatives in America that were sending them money. I told them that I would stay because I found friends that i had known in Somalia. We didn't have telephones but one day my friends told me that my family was fine and that they had moved to Ethiopia, I was very happy.